Bryan Rosenthal
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Bryan Rosenthal is the Founder of CoCaptain. His career includes 15+ years as a global HR leader for companies including Voxy, WWE, Brink’s, Nestle Waters, and G.E. Additionally, Bryan founded Jules Consulting, a HR solutions firm and Weekend Pilgrim, a travel media company.
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Bryan Rosenthal is the Founder of CoCaptain. His career includes 15+ years as a global HR leader for companies including Voxy, WWE, Brink’s, Nestle Waters, and G.E. Additionally, Bryan founded Jules Consulting, a HR solutions firm and Weekend Pilgrim, a travel media company.
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Bryan Rosenthal is the Founder of CoCaptain. His career includes 15+ years as a global HR leader for companies including Voxy, WWE, Brink’s, Nestle Waters, and G.E. Additionally, Bryan founded Jules Consulting, a HR solutions firm and Weekend Pilgrim, a travel media company.